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Airship is training Navy pilots

Verfasst: Do, 06.01.2011 17:48
von hilgenberg
Airship is training Navy pilots, not covering sports

Pilots training at AP airport
By MARC VALERO | Highlands Today

Published: January 5, 2011

AVON PARK - Highlands County residents may have wondered if there was big sporting event going on with the recent batch of blimp sightings.

Turns out it's a U.S. Navy blimp, though, and a Maryland-based company is using it to train U.S. Navy pilots to fly the airship.

The 178-foot long, 55-foot high and 45-foot wide airship, temporarily housed at the Avon Park Executive Airport, is hard to miss.

The Navy has found a lot of uses for the airships and they are trying to bring them back into service, said Jonathan Perry, assistant crew manager with Integrated Systems Solutions Inc.

"Most of us have come from the commercial world where we did sporting events in the air with the same type of airships," he said. "We are refamiliarizing them [Navy] with the knowledge to operate them and use them, and training their pilots because our pilots are trained and have many, many years of flight hours."

Weiter hier: ... avy-blimp/

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